Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Block for reading Treex YAML files
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.block import Block
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core import Document

from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.exception import LoadingException
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.util import file_stream
import re
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.log import log_info

__author__ = "Ondřej Dušek"
__date__ = "2013"

[docs]class TectoTemplates(Block): """\ Reader for partial t-tree dialog system templates, where treelets can be intermixed with linear text. Example template: Vlak přijede v [[7|adj:attr] hodina|n:4|gender:fem]. All linear text is inserted into t-lemmas of atomic nodes, while treelets have their formeme and grammateme values filled in. """ def __init__(self, scenario, args): """\ Constructor, checks if language is set and selects encoding according to args, defauts to UTF-8. """ Block.__init__(self, scenario, args) if self.language is None: raise LoadingException('Language must be defined!') self.encoding = args.get('encoding', 'UTF-8')
[docs] def process_document(self, filename): """\ Read a Tecto-Template file and return its contents as a Document object. """ fh = file_stream(filename, encoding=self.encoding) doc = Document(filename) for line in fh: bundle = doc.create_bundle() zone = bundle.create_zone(self.language, self.selector) ttree = zone.create_ttree() self.parse_line(line, ttree) log_info('Parsed a tree with %d nodes.' % len(ttree.get_descendants())) fh.close() return doc
[docs] def parse_line(self, text, troot): """\ Parse a template to a t-tree. """ off = 0 last_tnode = troot while off < len(text): # search for next treelet parse_treelet = True pos = text.find('[', off) if pos == -1: # no treelets, everything until the end is linear pos = len(text) parse_treelet = False # create a tree with the linear part up to the next treelet tnode = troot.create_child(data={'t_lemma': text[off:pos], 'nodetype': 'atom', 'functor': '???', 'formeme': 'x'}) tnode.shift_after_subtree(last_tnode) last_tnode = tnode # parse the next treelet and move after it if parse_treelet: tnode = troot.create_child() tnode.shift_after_node(last_tnode) off = pos + 1 + self.parse_treelet(text[pos + 1:], tnode) last_tnode = tnode # no more treelets to parse, we just added everything till the end else: break
[docs] def parse_treelet(self, text, tnode): """\ Parse a treelet in the template, filling the required values. Returns the position in the text after the treelet. """ pos = 0 right = False while pos < len(text): # skip space if text[pos].isspace(): pos += 1 # delve deeper elif text[pos] == '[': tchild = tnode.create_child() if not right: tchild.shift_before_node(tnode) else: tchild.shift_after_subtree(tnode) pos += 1 + self.parse_treelet(text[pos + 1:], tchild) # return elif text[pos] == ']': return pos + 1 # fill in node attributes else: # may even contain multiple words values = re.match(r'^([^\]\[]+)', text[pos:]).group(1) pos += len(values) values = values.split('|') tnode.t_lemma = values[0] # set dummy functor tnode.functor = '???' # fill in formeme (if applicable, default to x/atom) if len(values) >= 2: tnode.formeme = values[1] tnode.nodetype = 'complex' else: tnode.formeme = 'x' tnode.nodetype = 'atom' # fill in grammatemes if len(values) >= 3: gram_dict = {} for gram in values[2].split(','): gram_name, gram_val = gram.split(':') gram_dict[gram_name.strip()] = gram_val.strip() tnode.gram = gram_dict right = True return len(text)