Source code for alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.block.write.basewriter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Base block for writing
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.block import Block

import os
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.exception import RuntimeException

__author__ = "Ondřej Dušek"
__date__ = "2012"

[docs]class BaseWriter(Block): "Base block for output writing." def __init__(self, scenario, args): "Empty constructor (just call the base constructor)" Block.__init__(self, scenario, args) = None self.path = None self.add_to_name = None if 'to' in args: = args['to'] elif 'path' in args: self.path = args['path'] elif 'add_to_name' in args: self.add_to_name = args['add_to_name']
[docs] def get_output_file_name(self, doc): "Create an output file name for the given document." if return if self.path: _, docfilename = os.path.split(doc.filename) return os.path.join(self.path, docfilename) # try to add something to the name / change extension if doc.filename.endswith('.gz'): docfilename, docext = os.path.splitext(doc.filename[:-3]) compress_e = '.gz' else: docfilename, docext = os.path.splitext(doc.filename) compress_e = '' if self.add_to_name: return docfilename + self.add_to_name + \ self.__class__.default_extension + compress_e if hasattr(self.__class__, 'default_extension') and \ self.__class__.default_extension != docext: return docfilename + self.__class__.default_extension + compress_e # no default, just die raise RuntimeException('I don\'t know where to write.')