Source code for alex.corpustools.wavaskey

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
# This code is PEP8-compliant. See

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import codecs
from itertools import islice

[docs]def load_wavaskey(fname, constructor, limit=None, encoding='UTF-8'): """ Loads a dictionary of objects stored in the "wav as key" format. The input file is assumed to contain lines of the following form: [[:space:]..]<key>[[:space:]..]=>[[:space:]..]<obj_str>[[:space:]..] or just (without keys): [[:space:]..]<obj_str>[[:space:]..] where <obj_str> is to be given as the only argument to the `constructor' when constructing the objects stored in the file. Arguments: fname -- path towards the file to read the objects from constructor -- function that will be called on each string stored in the file and whose result will become a value of the returned dictionary limit -- limit on the number of objects to read encoding -- the file encoding Returns a dictionary with objects constructed by `constructor' as values. """ with, encoding=encoding) as infile: ret_dict = {} for line_idx, line in enumerate(islice(infile, 0, limit)): line = line.strip() if not line: continue parts = map(unicode.strip, line.split("=>", 1)) # Distinguish the case with a key and without a key. if len(parts) == 2: key, utt_str = parts else: key = unicode(line_idx) utt_str = parts[0] try: ret_dict[key] = constructor(utt_str) except Exception as ex: # TODO Probably should be logged. pass return ret_dict
[docs]def save_wavaskey(fname, in_dict, encoding='UTF-8', trans = lambda x: x): """ Saves a dictionary of objects in the wave as key format into a file. :param file_name: name of the target file :param utt: a dictionary with the objects where the keys are the names of teh corresponding wave files :parma trans: a function which can transform a saved object :return: None """ with, 'w', encoding=encoding) as outfile: for key in sorted(in_dict): outfile.write('{key} => {obj}\n'.format(key=key, obj=trans(in_dict[key])))