Source code for alex.utils.czech_stemmer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

''' Czech stemmer
Copyright © 2010 Luís Gomes <>.

Ported from the Java implementation available at:

import re
import sys

[docs]def cz_stem_word(word, aggressive=False): if not re.match(u"^\\w+$", word): return word if not word.islower() and not word.istitle() and not word.isupper(): return word s = word.lower() # all our pattern matching is done in lowercase s = _remove_case(s) s = _remove_possessives(s) if aggressive: s = _remove_comparative(s) s = _remove_diminutive(s) s = _remove_augmentative(s) s = _remove_derivational(s) if word.isupper(): return s.upper() if word.istitle(): return s.title() return s
[docs]def cz_stem(l, aggressive=False): if isinstance(l, str) or isinstance(l, unicode): return cz_stem_word(l) else: return [cz_stem(w) for w in l if w]
def _remove_case(word): if len(word) > 7 and word.endswith(u"atech"): return word[:-5] if len(word) > 6: if word.endswith(u"ětem"): return _palatalise(word[:-3]) if word.endswith(u"atům"): return word[:-4] if len(word) > 5: if word[-3:] in {u"ech", u"ich", u"ích", u"ého", u"ěmi", u"emi", u"ému", u"ete", u"eti", u"iho", u"ího", u"ími", u"imu"}: return _palatalise(word[:-2]) if word[-3:] in {u"ách", u"ata", u"aty", u"ých", u"ama", u"ami", u"ové", u"ovi", u"ými"}: return word[:-3] if len(word) > 4: if word.endswith(u"em"): return _palatalise(word[:-1]) if word[-2:] in {u"es", u"ém", u"ím"}: return _palatalise(word[:-2]) if word[-2:] in {u"ům", u"at", u"ám", u"os", u"us", u"ým", u"mi", u"ou"}: return word[:-2] if len(word) > 3: if word[-1] in u"eiíě": return _palatalise(word) if word[-1] in u"uyůaoáéý": return word[:-1] return word def _remove_possessives(word): if len(word) > 5: if word[-2:] in {u"ov", u"ův"}: return word[:-2] if word.endswith(u"in"): return _palatalise(word[:-1]) return word def _remove_comparative(word): if len(word) > 5: if word[-3:] in {u"ejš", u"ějš"}: return _palatalise(word[:-2]) return word def _remove_diminutive(word): if len(word) > 7 and word.endswith(u"oušek"): return word[:-5] if len(word) > 6: if word[-4:] in {u"eček", u"éček", u"iček", u"íček", u"enek", u"ének", u"inek", u"ínek"}: return _palatalise(word[:-3]) if word[-4:] in {u"áček", u"aček", u"oček", u"uček", u"anek", u"onek", u"unek", u"ánek"}: return _palatalise(word[:-4]) if len(word) > 5: if word[-3:] in {u"ečk", u"éčk", u"ičk", u"íčk", u"enk", u"énk", u"ink", u"ínk"}: return _palatalise(word[:-3]) if word[-3:] in {u"áčk", u"ačk", u"očk", u"učk", u"ank", u"onk", u"unk", u"átk", u"ánk", u"ušk"}: return word[:-3] if len(word) > 4: if word[-2:] in {u"ek", u"ék", u"ík", u"ik"}: return _palatalise(word[:-1]) if word[-2:] in {u"ák", u"ak", u"ok", u"uk"}: return word[:-1] if len(word) > 3 and word[-1] == u"k": return word[:-1] return word def _remove_augmentative(word): if len(word) > 6 and word.endswith(u"ajzn"): return word[:-4] if len(word) > 5 and word[-3:] in {u"izn", u"isk"}: return _palatalise(word[:-2]) if len(word) > 4 and word.endswith(u"ák"): return word[:-2] return word def _remove_derivational(word): if len(word) > 8 and word.endswith(u"obinec"): return word[:-6] if len(word) > 7: if word.endswith(u"ionář"): return _palatalise(word[:-4]) if word[-5:] in {u"ovisk", u"ovstv", u"ovišt", u"ovník"}: return word[:-5] if len(word) > 6: if word[-4:] in {u"ásek", u"loun", u"nost", u"teln", u"ovec", u"ovík", u"ovtv", u"ovin", u"štin"}: return word[:-4] if word[-4:] in {u"enic", u"inec", u"itel"}: return _palatalise(word[:-3]) if len(word) > 5: if word.endswith(u"árn"): return word[:-3] if word[-3:] in {u"ěnk", u"ián", u"ist", u"isk", u"išt", u"itb", u"írn"}: return _palatalise(word[:-2]) if word[-3:] in {u"och", u"ost", u"ovn", u"oun", u"out", u"ouš", u"ušk", u"kyn", u"čan", u"kář", u"néř", u"ník", u"ctv", u"stv"}: return word[:-3] if len(word) > 4: if word[-2:] in {u"áč", u"ač", u"án", u"an", u"ář", u"as"}: return word[:-2] if word[-2:] in {u"ec", u"en", u"ěn", u"éř", u"íř", u"ic", u"in", u"ín", u"it", u"iv"}: return _palatalise(word[:-1]) if word[-2:] in {u"ob", u"ot", u"ov", u"oň", u"ul", u"yn", u"čk", u"čn", u"dl", u"nk", u"tv", u"tk", u"vk"}: return word[:-2] if len(word) > 3 and word[-1] in u"cčklnt": return word[:-1] return word def _palatalise(word): if word[-2:] in {u"ci", u"ce", u"či", u"če"}: return word[:-2] + u"k" if word[-2:] in {u"zi", u"ze", u"ži", u"že"}: return word[:-2] + u"h" if word[-3:] in {u"čtě", u"čti", u"čtí"}: return word[:-3] + u"ck" if word[-3:] in {u"ště", u"šti", u"ští"}: return word[:-3] + u"sk" return word[:-1] if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1] not in (u"light", u"aggressive"): sys.exit(u"usage: {} light|aggressive".format(sys.argv[0])) aggressive = sys.argv[1] == u"aggressive" for line in sys.stdin: print u" ".join([cz_stem(word, aggressive=aggressive) for word in line.split()])