Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A script that creates an expansion from a list of stops

For usage write -h
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import autopath
import codecs
from copy import copy
from optparse import OptionParser
from collections import defaultdict
import sys

from alex.applications.PublicTransportInfoEN.site_preprocessing import expand
from os.path import isfile

[docs]def file_check(filename, message="reading file"): if not filename: print "WARNING: " + message + " - No file specified!" return False if not isfile(filename): print "WARNING: " + filename + " is not a valid path! " + message return False return True
[docs]def get_column_index(header, caption, default): for i, h in enumerate(header.split(',')): if h == caption: return i return default
[docs]def hack_stops(stops): extras = set() for stop in stops: # make 'hundred'/'one hundred' variants if "hundred" in stop: extras.add(stop.replace("hundred", "one hundred")) # apostrophe is mandatory if "'s" in stop: extras.add(stop.replace("'s", "s")) stops.update(extras)
[docs]def preprocess_line(line): line = line.strip().title() line = line.replace(" Th ", "Th ") return line
[docs]def expand_place(stop_list): stops = defaultdict(list) for stop in stop_list: reverse = True conjunctions = [' and ', ' on ', ' at ', ' '] elements = re.split(r'[\\\-/\(&]', stop.lower().replace('[rr]', '').replace(')', '').replace(';', '').replace('# ', ' ').replace("'", '').strip().rstrip('#')) if not isinstance(elements, list): elements = [elements, ] # if '-' in stop: # elements = stop.split('-') # elif '/' in stop: # elements = stop.split('/') # # cathedral pkwy (110 st) # elif '(' in stop: # elements = stop.replace(')', '').split('(') # reverse = False # # lexington av/63 street # elif '&' in stop: # elements = stop.split('&') # # BARUCH INFORMATION & TECH BLDG # else: # elements = [stop, ] expansion = [expand(el) for el in elements if len(el) > 0] if len([e for e in expansion if re.match(r"[0-9']", e)]): continue stops[stop] = set([" ".join(expansion), " ".join(expansion[::-1]), ]) if len(expansion) > 1: for conjunction in conjunctions: stops[stop].add(conjunction.join(expansion)) if reverse: stops[stop].add(conjunction.join(expansion[::-1])) hack_stops(stops[stop]) stops[stop] = list(stops[stop]) return stops
[docs]def load_list(filename, skip_comments=True): data = [] if not file_check(filename, "loading list from file"): return data with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as fh_in: for line in fh_in: line = preprocess_line(line) # handle comments (strip or skip) if line.startswith('#'): if skip_comments: continue else: line = line.lstrip('#') data.append(line) return data
[docs]def read_expansions(stops_expanded_file): raw = read_two_columns(stops_expanded_file) data = {} for key in raw: data[key] = raw[key].lower().split('; ') return data
[docs]def read_first_column(filename, surpress_warning=True): data = [] if not file_check(filename, "reading first column"): return data with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as fh_in: for line in fh_in: line = preprocess_line(line) # handle comments (strip or skip) if line.startswith('#'): continue value = line.split('\t')[0] if value in data and not surpress_warning: print "WARNING: " + value + " already appeared while reading first column from file " + filename data.append(value) return data
[docs]def read_two_columns(filename): data = {} if not file_check(filename, "reading two columns"): return data with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as stops_precedent: for line in stops_precedent: line = preprocess_line(line) if line.startswith('#'): continue key = line.split('\t')[0] data[key] = line.split('\t')[1] return data
[docs]def read_compatibility(filename): data = [] if not file_check(filename, "reading previous compatibility"): return data with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as stops_precedent: for line in stops_precedent: line = preprocess_line(line) if line.startswith('#'): continue data.append(line.split('\t')[0] + '\t' + line.split('\t')[1]) return data
[docs]def read_exports(filename): data = {} if not file_check(filename, "reading previous exports"): return data with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as exports_precedent: for line in exports_precedent: line = preprocess_line(line) if line.startswith('#'): continue site, sub_site, rest = line.split('\t', 2) key = site + '\t' + sub_site data[key] = rest return data
[docs]def merge(primary, secondary, surpress_warning=True): merged = copy(primary) for key in secondary: if key in primary: if not surpress_warning: print "WARNING: previous instance already contains key " + key + " while merging" continue merged[key] = secondary[key] return merged
[docs]def append(major, minor): for key in minor: if not key in major: major[key] = minor[key] major[key].extend(minor[key]) major[key] = set(major[key]) return major
[docs]def process_places(places_in, place_out, places_add, no_cache=False): # currently expanded places if no_cache: prev = {} else: prev = read_expansions(place_out) # manually added expansions of specific places not covered by automatic expansion manual_expansions = {} if places_add is None else read_expansions(places_add) # new expanded places expanded = expand_place(read_first_column(places_in)) # merged new and old expansions, old ones have greater priority (no appending) merged = merge(prev, expanded) # add manual expansions to automatic ones append(merged, manual_expansions) # save it all save_out(place_out, merged)
[docs]def save_out(output_file, output_dict, separator="; "): with, 'w', 'UTF-8') as fh_out: for key in sorted(output_dict): print >> fh_out, key + "\t" + separator.join(output_dict[key])
[docs]def save_list(output_file, output_list): with, 'w', 'UTF-8') as fh_out: for value in sorted(output_list): print >> fh_out, value
[docs]def handle_csv(csv_in, csv_out, no_cache=False): # current data if no_cache: csv_old = {} else: csv_old = read_exports(csv_out) # new data csv_new = read_exports(csv_in) merged = merge(csv_old, csv_new) save_out(csv_out, merged, separator="")
[docs]def handle_compatibility(file_in, file_out, no_cache=False): # current data if no_cache: comp_old = [] else: comp_old = read_compatibility(file_out) # new data comp_new = read_compatibility(file_in) merged = set(comp_old + comp_new) save_list(file_out, merged)
[docs]def main(): stops_out = "./stops.expanded.txt" csv_out = "./stops.locations.csv" # compatibility_out = "./city.stop.txt" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--stops", metavar="STOP_FILE", help="read input stops from STOP_FILE") parser.add_option("--append-stops", metavar="STOP_EXPANSIONS", help="appends expansions to current expansions") parser.add_option("-c", "--no-cache", action="store_true", help="Do not append existing expansions", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.append_stops and not options.stops: sys.exit(parser.print_help()) stops_append = options.append_stops process_places(options.stops, stops_out, stops_append, no_cache=options.no_cache) handle_csv(options.stops, csv_out, no_cache=options.no_cache)
# handle_compatibility(options.stops, compatibility_out, no_cache=options.no_cache) if __name__ == '__main__': main()