Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A script that takes us cities (city\tstate_code)file and state-codes and it joins them


./ [-o: output_file] cities.txt state-codes.txt

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import codecs
import os
import sys
from getopt import getopt

[docs]def get_column_index(header, caption, default): for i, h in enumerate(header.split('-')): if h == caption: return i return default
[docs]def load_list(filename, skip_comments=True): lines = [] with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as fh_in: header = fh_in.readline() for line in fh_in: line = line.strip() # handle comments (strip or skip) if line.startswith('#'): if skip_comments: continue else: line = line.lstrip('#') lines.append(line) return lines, header
[docs]def load_state_code_dict(file_state_codes, skip_comments=True): dict = {} with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as fh_in: for line in fh_in: line = line.strip() # handle comments (strip or skip) if line.startswith('#'): if skip_comments: continue else: line = line.lstrip('#') state, code = line.split('\t') dict[code] = state return dict
[docs]def remove_duplicities(lines): data = remove_following_duplicities(sorted(lines)) chunks = group_by_city_and_state(data) return [average_same_city(chunks.get(key)) for key in sorted(chunks.keys())]
[docs]def group_by_city_and_state(data): dict = {} for line in data: if line.startswith('#'): key = '#' else: city, state = line.split('\t')[0:2] key = city + '_' + state if not key in dict: dict[key] = [] dict[key].append(line) return dict
[docs]def remove_following_duplicities(lines): previous = "could_not_be_possibly_a_previous_line" output = [] for line in sorted(lines): if previous == line: continue output.append(line) previous = line return output
[docs]def average_same_city(same_stops): city = "" state = "" longitude_sum = float(0) latitude_sum = float(0) for line in same_stops: if line.startswith('#'): return ";".join(same_stops) # join comments to one line city, state, geo = line.split('\t') longitude, latitude = geo.split('|') longitude_sum += float(longitude) latitude_sum += float(latitude) return "\t".join([city, state, str(longitude_sum/len(same_stops)) + '|' + str(latitude_sum/len(same_stops))])
[docs]def extract_fields(lines, header, state_dictionary, skip_comments=True): state_code_index = get_column_index(header, "state", 1) city_index = get_column_index(header, "city", 2) lat_index = get_column_index(header, "lat", 3) lon_index = get_column_index(header, "lng", 4) data = ["#city\tstate\tlongitude|latitude"] for line in lines: if not line: continue if line.startswith('#'): if skip_comments: continue else: line.lstrip('#') fields = line.strip().split(',') if len(fields) > len(header.split('-')): print "different lengths!" state_code = fields[state_code_index].strip().strip('"') city = fields[city_index].strip().strip('"') latitude = fields[lat_index].strip().strip('"') longitude = fields[lon_index].strip().strip('"') state = state_dictionary[state_code] data.append('\t'.join([city, state, longitude + '|' + latitude])) return data
[docs]def write_data(file_name, data): with, "w", 'UTF-8') as fh_out: for line in remove_duplicities(data): print >> fh_out, line
[docs]def main(): opts, files = getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-o:') file_out = "./us_cities_to_csv.csv" for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-o': file_out = arg # sanity check if len(files) != 2: sys.exit(__doc__) # initialization file_stops = files[0] file_state_codes = files[1] # load list of cities state_dictionary = load_state_code_dict(file_state_codes) lines, header = load_list(file_stops) data = extract_fields(lines, header, state_dictionary) print "writing to " + os.path.abspath(file_out) write_data(file_out, data)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()