Source code for alex.applications.PublicTransportInfoEN.directions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import urllib
from datetime import datetime
import time
import json

from alex.applications.PublicTransportInfoEN.site_preprocessing import expand_stop

from import APIRequest
from alex.utils.cache import lru_cache

[docs]class Travel(object): """Holder for starting and ending point (and other parameters) of travel.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializing (just filling in data). Accepted keys: from_city, from_stop, to_city, to_stop, vehicle, max_transfers.""" self.from_stop_geo = kwargs['from_stop_geo'] self.to_stop_geo = kwargs['to_stop_geo'] self.from_city = kwargs['from_city'] self.from_stop = kwargs['from_stop'] if kwargs['from_stop'] not in ['__ANY__', 'none'] else None self.to_city = kwargs['to_city'] self.to_stop = kwargs['to_stop'] if kwargs['to_stop'] not in ['__ANY__', 'none'] else None self.vehicle = kwargs['vehicle'] if kwargs['vehicle'] not in ['__ANY__', 'none', 'dontcare'] else None self.max_transfers = (kwargs['max_transfers'] if kwargs['max_transfers'] not in ['__ANY__', 'none', 'dontcare'] else None)
[docs] def get_minimal_info(self): """Return minimal waypoints information in the form of a stringified inform() dialogue act.""" res = [] if self.from_city != self.to_city or (bool(self.from_stop) != bool(self.to_stop)): res.append("inform(from_city='%s')" % self.from_city) if self.from_stop is not None: res.append("inform(from_stop='%s')" % self.from_stop) if self.from_city != self.to_city or (bool(self.from_stop) != bool(self.to_stop)): res.append("inform(to_city='%s')" % self.to_city) if self.to_stop is not None: res.append("inform(to_stop='%s')" % self.to_stop) if self.vehicle is not None: res.append("inform(vehicle='%s')" % self.vehicle) if self.max_transfers is not None: res.append("inform(num_transfers='%s')" % str(self.max_transfers)) return '&'.join(res)
[docs]class Directions(Travel): """Ancestor class for transit directions, consisting of several routes.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'travel' in kwargs: super(Directions, self).__init__(**kwargs['travel'].__dict__) else: super(Directions, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.routes = [] def __getitem__(self, index): return self.routes[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.routes) def __repr__(self): ret = '' for i, route in enumerate(self.routes, start=1): ret += "ROUTE " + unicode(i) + "\n" + route.__repr__() + "\n\n" return ret
[docs]class Route(object): """Ancestor class for one transit direction route.""" def __init__(self): self.legs = [] def __repr__(self): ret = '' for i, leg in enumerate(self.legs, start=1): ret += "LEG " + unicode(i) + "\n" + leg.__repr__() + "\n" return ret
[docs]class RouteLeg(object): """One traffic directions leg.""" def __init__(self): self.steps = [] def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(step.__repr__() for step in self.steps)
[docs]class RouteStep(object): """One transit directions step -- walking or using public transport. Data members: travel_mode -- TRANSIT / WALKING * For TRANSIT steps: departure_stop departure_time arrival_stop arrival_time headsign -- direction of the transit line vehicle -- type of the transit vehicle (tram, subway, bus) line_name -- name or number of the transit line * For WALKING steps: duration -- estimated walking duration (seconds) """ MODE_TRANSIT = 'TRANSIT' MODE_WALKING = 'WALKING' def __init__(self, travel_mode): self.travel_mode = travel_mode if self.travel_mode == self.MODE_TRANSIT: self.departure_stop = None self.departure_time = None self.arrival_stop = None self.arrival_time = None self.headsign = None self.vehicle = None self.line_name = None elif self.travel_mode == self.MODE_WALKING: self.duration = None def __repr__(self): ret = self.travel_mode if self.travel_mode == self.MODE_TRANSIT: ret += ': ' + self.vehicle + ' ' + self.line_name + \ ' [^' + self.headsign + ']: ' + self.departure_stop + \ ' ' + str(self.departure_time) + ' -> ' + \ self.arrival_stop + ' ' + str(self.arrival_time) elif self.travel_mode == self.MODE_WALKING: ret += ': ' + str(self.duration / 60) + ' min, ' + \ ((str(self.distance) + ' m') if hasattr(self, 'distance') else '') return ret
[docs]class DirectionsFinder(object): """Abstract ancestor for transit direction finders."""
[docs] def get_directions(self, from_city, from_stop, to_city, to_stop, departure_time=None, arrival_time=None, parameters=None): """ Retrieve the transit directions from the given stop to the given stop at the given time. Should be implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class GoogleDirections(Directions): """Traffic directions obtained from Google Maps API.""" def __init__(self, input_json={}, **kwargs): super(GoogleDirections, self).__init__(**kwargs) for route in input_json['routes']: g_route = GoogleRoute(route) # if VEHICLE is defined, than route must be composed of walking and VEHICLE transport if kwargs['travel'].vehicle is not None and kwargs['travel'].vehicle not in ['__ANY__', 'none', 'dontcare']: route_vehicles = set([step.vehicle for leg in g_route.legs for step in leg.steps if hasattr(step, "vehicle")]) if len(route_vehicles) != 0 and (len(route_vehicles) > 1 or kwargs['travel'].vehicle not in route_vehicles): continue # if MAX_TRANSFERS is defined, than the route must be composed of walking and limited number of transport steps if kwargs['travel'].max_transfers is not None and kwargs['travel'].max_transfers not in ['__ANY__', 'none', 'dontcare']: num_transfers = len([step for leg in g_route.legs for step in leg.steps if step.travel_mode == GoogleRouteLegStep.MODE_TRANSIT]) if num_transfers > int(kwargs['travel'].max_transfers) + 1: continue self.routes.append(g_route)
[docs]class GoogleRoute(Route): def __init__(self, input_json): super(GoogleRoute, self).__init__() for leg in input_json['legs']: self.legs.append(GoogleRouteLeg(leg))
[docs]class GoogleRouteLeg(RouteLeg): def __init__(self, input_json): super(GoogleRouteLeg, self).__init__() for step in input_json['steps']: self.steps.append(GoogleRouteLegStep(step)) self.distance = input_json['distance']['value']
[docs]class GoogleRouteLegStep(RouteStep): VEHICLE_TYPE_MAPPING = { 'RAIL': 'train', 'METRO_RAIL': 'tram', 'SUBWAY': 'subway', 'TRAM': 'tram', 'MONORAIL': 'monorail', 'HEAVY_RAIL': 'train', 'COMMUTER_TRAIN': 'train', 'HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN': 'train', 'BUS': 'bus', 'INTERCITY_BUS': 'bus', 'TROLLEYBUS': 'bus', 'SHARE_TAXI': 'bus', 'FERRY': 'ferry', 'CABLE_CAR': 'cable_car', 'GONDOLA_LIFT': 'ferry', 'FUNICULAR': 'cable_car', 'OTHER': 'dontcare', 'Train': 'train', 'Long distance train': 'train' } def __init__(self, input_json): self.travel_mode = input_json['travel_mode'] if self.travel_mode == self.MODE_TRANSIT: data = input_json['transit_details'] self.departure_stop = data['departure_stop']['name'] self.departure_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(data['departure_time']['value']) self.arrival_stop = data['arrival_stop']['name'] self.arrival_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(data['arrival_time']['value']) self.headsign = data['headsign'] # sometimes short_name not present if not 'short_name' in data['line']: self.line_name = data['line']['name'] else: self.line_name = data['line']['short_name'] vehicle_type = data['line']['vehicle'].get('type', data['line']['vehicle']['name']) self.vehicle = self.VEHICLE_TYPE_MAPPING.get(vehicle_type, vehicle_type.lower()) # normalize stop names self.departure_stop = expand_stop(self.departure_stop) self.arrival_stop = expand_stop(self.arrival_stop) self.num_stops = data['num_stops'] elif self.travel_mode == self.MODE_WALKING: self.duration = input_json['duration']['value'] self.distance = input_json['distance']['value']
[docs]class GoogleDirectionsFinder(DirectionsFinder, APIRequest): """Transit direction finder using the Google Maps query engine.""" def __init__(self, cfg): DirectionsFinder.__init__(self) APIRequest.__init__(self, cfg, 'google-directions', 'Google directions query') self.directions_url = '' if 'key' in cfg['DM']['directions'].keys(): self.api_key = cfg['DM']['directions']['key'] else: self.api_key = None @lru_cache(maxsize=10)
[docs] def get_directions(self, waypoints, departure_time=None, arrival_time=None): """Get Google maps transit directions between the given stops at the given time and date. The time/date should be given as a datetime.datetime object. Setting the correct date is compulsory! """ # TODO: refactor - eliminate from_stop,street,city,borough and make from_place, from_area and use it as: # TODO: from_place = from_stop || from_street1 || from_street1&from_street2 # TODO: from_area = from_borough || from_city parameters = list() if not waypoints.from_stop_geo: from_waypoints =[expand_stop(waypoints.from_stop, False), expand_stop(waypoints.from_city, False)] parameters.extend([wp for wp in from_waypoints if wp and wp != 'none']) else: parameters.append(waypoints.from_stop_geo['lat']) parameters.append(waypoints.from_stop_geo['lon']) origin = ','.join(parameters).encode('utf-8') parameters = list() if not waypoints.to_stop_geo: to_waypoints = [expand_stop(waypoints.to_stop, False), expand_stop(waypoints.to_city, False)] parameters.extend([wp for wp in to_waypoints if wp and wp != 'none']) else: parameters.append(waypoints.to_stop_geo['lat']) parameters.append(waypoints.to_stop_geo['lon']) destination = ','.join(parameters).encode('utf-8') data = { 'origin': origin, 'destination': destination, 'region': 'us', 'alternatives': 'true', 'mode': 'transit', 'language': 'en', } if departure_time: data['departure_time'] = int(time.mktime(departure_time.timetuple())) elif arrival_time: data['arrival_time'] = int(time.mktime(arrival_time.timetuple())) # add "premium" parameters if self.api_key: data['key'] = self.api_key if waypoints.vehicle: data['transit_mode'] = self.map_vehicle(waypoints.vehicle) data['transit_routing_preference'] = 'fewer_transfers' if waypoints.max_transfers else 'less_walking'"Google Directions request:\n" + str(data)) page = urllib.urlopen(self.directions_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(data)) response = json.load(page) self._log_response_json(response) directions = GoogleDirections(input_json=response, travel=waypoints)"Google Directions response:\n" + unicode(directions)) return directions
[docs] def map_vehicle(self, vehicle): """maps PTIEN vehicle type to GOOGLE DIRECTIONS query vehicle""" # any of standard google inputs if vehicle in ['bus', 'subway', 'train', 'tram', 'rail']: return vehicle # anything on the rail if vehicle in ['monorail', 'night_tram', 'monorail']: return 'rail' # anything on the wheels if vehicle in ['trolleybus', 'intercity_bus', 'night_bus']: return 'bus' # dontcare return 'bus|rail'
def _todict(obj, classkey=None): """Convert an object graph to dictionary. Adapted from: . """ if isinstance(obj, dict): for k in obj.keys(): obj[k] = _todict(obj[k], classkey) return obj elif hasattr(obj, "__keylist__"): data = {key: _todict(obj[key], classkey) for key in obj.__keylist__ if not callable(obj[key])} if classkey is not None and hasattr(obj, "__class__"): data[classkey] = obj.__class__.__name__ return data elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"): data = {key: _todict(value, classkey) for key, value in obj.__dict__.iteritems() if not callable(value)} if classkey is not None and hasattr(obj, "__class__"): data[classkey] = obj.__class__.__name__ return data elif hasattr(obj, "__iter__"): return [_todict(v, classkey) for v in obj] else: return obj