Source code for alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.document

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Classes related to Treex documents, bundles and zones
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.exception import RuntimeException
import alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.node

__author__ = "Ondřej Dušek"
__date__ = "2012"

[docs]class Document(object): """\ This represents a Treex document, i.e. a sequence of bundles. It contains an index of node IDs. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, data=None): """\ Constructor. The data should contain a list of bundles that will be passed to the constructor of Bundle. """ data = data or [] self.__index = {} self.__backref = {} self.filename = filename self.bundles = [Bundle(self, data=bundle_data, b_ord=b_ord) for b_ord, bundle_data in enumerate(data, start=1)]
[docs] def index_node(self, node): """\ Index a node by its id. Also index the node's references in the backwards reference index. """ self.__index[] = node refs = node.get_referenced_ids() for ref_type, value in refs.iteritems(): self.index_backref(ref_type,, value)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node_id): "Remove a node from all indexes." # delete from normal index del self.__index[node_id] # using backward references, remove all references to the node for backref_type in self.__backref: refs = self.__backref[backref_type].get(node_id) if refs: for ref in refs: referencing_node = self.get_node_by_id(ref) referencing_node.remove_reference(backref_type, node_id) # remove the backward references from the index del self.__backref[backref_type][node_id]
[docs] def get_node_by_id(self, node_id): return self.__index[node_id]
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_node_by_id(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if != key: raise ValueError return self.index_node(self, value) def __delitem__(self, key): self.remove_node(key)
[docs] def index_backref(self, attr_name, source_id, target_ids): """\ Keep track of a backward reference (source, target node IDs are in the direction of the original reference) """ # create the backward index if it does not exist if not self.__backref.get(attr_name): self.__backref[attr_name] = {} # work always with lists of IDs, but handle also single IDs by # putting them into a list if not isinstance(target_ids, (list, tuple)): target_ids = [target_ids] # save the backward references (note the direction target -> source) for target_id in target_ids: if not self.__backref[attr_name].get(target_id): self.__backref[attr_name][target_id] = [] self.__backref[attr_name][target_id].append(source_id)
[docs] def remove_backref(self, attr_name, source_id, target_ids): """\ Remove references from the backwards index. """ # return if the index does not exist at all if not self.__backref.get(attr_name): return # work always with lists of IDs, but handle also single IDs # by putting them into a list if not isinstance(target_ids, (list, tuple)): target_ids = [target_ids] # delete all references for target_id in target_ids: try: self.__backref[attr_name][target_id].remove(source_id) except: # if the reference is not there, we don't care pass
[docs] def create_bundle(self, data=None): """\ Append a new bundle and return it. """ self.bundles.append(Bundle(self, data, b_ord=len(self.bundles) + 1)) return self.bundles[-1]
[docs]class Bundle(object): """\ Represents a bundle, i.e. a list of zones pertaining to the same sentence (in different variations). """ def __init__(self, document, data=None, b_ord=None): """\ Constructor. The data should contain a list of zones that will be passed to the constructor of Zone. """ data = data or [] self.__document = document # if no order is given, default to -1 self.__ord = b_ord is not None and b_ord or -1 self.__zones = {} # sort zones according to language and selector for zone_data in data: zone = Zone(data=zone_data, bundle=self) self.__zones[(zone.language, zone.selector)] = zone
[docs] def get_all_zones(self): """\ Return all zones contained in this bundle. """ return self.__zones.values()
[docs] def get_zone(self, language, selector): """\ Returns the corresponding zone for a language and selector; raises an exception if the zone does not exist. """ return self.__zones[(language, selector)]
[docs] def get_or_create_zone(self, language, selector): """\ Returns the zone for a language and selector; if it does not exist, creates an empty zone. """ if self.has_zone(language, selector): return self.get_zone(language, selector) return self.create_zone(language, selector)
[docs] def has_zone(self, language, selector): """\ Returns True if the bundle has a zone for the given language and selector. """ return self.__zones.get((language, selector)) and True or False
[docs] def create_zone(self, language, selector): """\ Creates a zone at the given language and selector. Will overwrite any existing zones. """ self.__zones[(language, selector)] = Zone(bundle=self, language=language, selector=selector) return self.__zones[(language, selector)]
@property def document(self): "The document this bundle belongs to." return self.__document @property def ord(self): "The order of this bundle in the document, as given by constructor" return self.__ord
[docs]class Zone(object): """\ Represents a zone, i.e. a sentence and corresponding trees. """ def __init__(self, data=None, language=None, selector=None, bundle=None): """\ Constructor. The data should contain a dictionary with the following keys: language, selector, sentence, Xtree (where X is one of t, a, n, p). """ data = data or {} self.__bundle = bundle self.__document = self.bundle and self.bundle.document or None self.language = data.get('language') or language self.selector = data.get('selector') or selector or '' self.sentence = data.get('sentence') for layer in ('t', 'a', 'n', 'p'): if layer + 'tree' in data: self.create_tree(layer, data[layer + 'tree']) @property def bundle(self): "The bundle in which this zone is located" return self.__bundle @property def document(self): "The document in which this zone is located" return self.__document
[docs] def has_tree(self, layer): """\ Return True if this zone has a tree on the given layer, False otherwise. """ return hasattr(self, layer + 'tree')
[docs] def get_tree(self, layer): """\ Return a tree this node has on the given layer or raise an exception if the tree does not exist. """ return getattr(self, layer + 'tree')
[docs] def create_tree(self, layer, data=None): """\ Create a tree on the given layer, filling it with the given data (if applicable). """ # store data for child nodes for later use nodes_data = None if data is not None and 'nodes' in data: nodes_data = data['nodes'] del data['nodes'] if data is None: data = {'id': layer + '-node-' + self.language_and_selector + ('-s' + str(self.bundle.ord) if self.bundle else '') + '-root'} # call the appropriate constructor of the corresponding # class from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.node (A, T, N, P) node_type = getattr(alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.node, layer.upper()) # create the root root = node_type(data=data, zone=self) if hasattr(root, 'ord') and root.ord is None: # set root's ord to 0 if not set in data root.ord = 0 setattr(self, layer + 'tree', root) # create all the children given in data if nodes_data is not None: nodes = [(node_data['parent_id'], node_type(data=node_data, parent=root, zone=self)) for node_data in nodes_data] doc = self.document for (parent_id, node) in nodes: node.parent = doc.get_node_by_id(parent_id) return self.get_tree(layer)
[docs] def has_ttree(self): "Return true if this zone has a t-tree." return hasattr(self, 'ttree')
[docs] def has_atree(self): "Return true if this zone has an a-tree." return hasattr(self, 'atree')
[docs] def has_ntree(self): "Return true if this zone has an n-tree." return hasattr(self, 'ntree')
[docs] def has_ptree(self): "Return true if this zone has a p-tree." return hasattr(self, 'ptree')
@property def ttree(self): """\ Direct access to t-tree (will raise an exception if the tree does not exist). """ return self.__ttree @ttree.setter def ttree(self, value): if self.has_ttree(): raise RuntimeException('Can\'t create a t-tree: tree exists') self.__ttree = value @property def atree(self): """\ Direct access to a-tree (will raise an exception if the tree does not exist). """ return self.__atree @atree.setter def atree(self, value): if self.has_atree(): raise RuntimeException('Can\'t create an a-tree: tree exists') self.__atree = value @property def ntree(self): """\ Direct access to n-tree (will raise an exception if the tree does not exist). """ return self.__ntree @ntree.setter def ntree(self, value): if self.has_ntree(): raise RuntimeException('Can\'t create an n-tree: tree exists') self.__ntree = value @property def ptree(self): """\ Direct access to p-tree (will raise an exception if the tree does not exist). """ return self.__ptree @ptree.setter def ptree(self, value): if self.has_ptree(): raise RuntimeException('Can\'t create a p-tree: tree exists') self.__ptree = value
[docs] def create_ttree(self): "Create a tree on the t-layer" return self.create_tree('t')
[docs] def create_atree(self): "Create a tree on the a-layer" return self.create_tree('a')
[docs] def create_ntree(self): "Create a tree on the n-layer" return self.create_tree('n')
[docs] def create_ptree(self): "Create a tree on the p-layer" return self.create_tree('p')
@property def language_and_selector(self): """\ Return string concatenation of the zone's language and selector. """ ret = str(self.language) if self.selector != '': ret += '_' + str(self.selector) return ret