Source code for alex.utils.mproc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is mostly PEP8-compliant. See

Implements useful classes for handling multiprocessing implementation of
the Alex system.

import functools
import multiprocessing
import threading
import fcntl
import time
import os
import sys
import re
import codecs
import traceback

from datetime import datetime

[docs]def local_lock(): """This decorator makes the decorated function thread safe. For each function it creates a unique lock. """ lock = multiprocessing.Lock() def decorator(user_function): @functools.wraps(user_function) def wrapper(*args, **kw): lock.acquire() try: return user_function(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: raise e finally: lock.release() return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def global_lock(lock): """This decorator makes the decorated function thread safe. Keyword arguments: lock -- a global variable pointing to the object to lock on """ def decorator(user_function): @functools.wraps(user_function) def wrapper(*args, **kw): lock.acquire() try: return user_function(*args, **kw) finally: lock.release() return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def file_lock(file_name): """ Multiprocessing lock using files. Lock on a specific file. """ lock_file =, 'w', encoding='utf8') fcntl.lockf(lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) return lock_file
[docs]def file_unlock(lock_file): """ Multiprocessing lock using files. Unlock on a specific file. """ fcntl.lockf(lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) lock_file.close()
[docs]def async(func): """ A function decorator intended to make "func" run in a separate thread (asynchronously). Returns the created Thread object E.g.: @async def task1(): do_something @async def task2(): do_something_too t1 = task1() t2 = task2() ... t1.join() t2.join() """ @functools.wraps(func) def async_func(*args, **kwargs): func_hl = threading.Thread(target = func, args = args, kwargs = kwargs) func_hl.start() return func_hl return async_func
[docs]def etime(name="Time",min_t=0.300): """This decorator measures the execution time of the decorated function. """ def decorator(user_function): @functools.wraps(user_function) def wrapper(*args, **kw): s = (time.time(), time.clock()) r = user_function(*args, **kw) d = (time.time() - s[0], time.clock() - s[1]) if d[0] > min_t: print "EXEC Time {name} t = {t:0.4f} c = {c:0.4f}\n".format(name=name, t=d[0], c=d[1]) return r return wrapper return decorator
[docs]class InstanceID(object): """ This class provides unique ids to all instances of objects inheriting from this class. """ lock = multiprocessing.Lock() instance_id = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def get_instance_id(self): InstanceID.instance_id.value += 1 return InstanceID.instance_id.value
[docs]class SystemLogger(object): """ This is a multiprocessing-safe logger. It should be used by all components in Alex. """ lock = multiprocessing.RLock() levels = { 'SYSTEM-LOG': 0, 'DEBUG': 10, 'INFO': 20, 'WARNING': 30, 'CRITICAL': 40, 'EXCEPTION': 50, 'ERROR': 60, } def __init__(self, output_dir, stdout_log_level='DEBUG', stdout=True, file_log_level='DEBUG'): self.stdout_log_level = stdout_log_level self.stdout = stdout self.file_log_level = file_log_level self.output_dir = output_dir if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) # Create a buffer of size 1000 bytes in shared memory to hold # the name of the logging directory for current session. self.current_session_log_dir_name = multiprocessing.Array('c', ' ' * 1000) self.current_session_log_dir_name.value = '' self._session_started = False def __repr__(self): return ("SystemLogger(output_dir={outdir}, stdout_log_level='" "{lvl_out}', stdout={stdout}, file_log_level='{lvl_f}')" ).format(lvl_out=self.stdout_log_level, stdout=self.stdout, lvl_f=self.file_log_level, outdir=self.output_dir)
[docs] def get_time_str(self): """ Return current time in dashed ISO-like format. It is useful in constructing file and directory names. """ return u'{dt}-{tz}'.format('%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S.%f'), tz=time.tzname[time.localtime().tm_isdst])
[docs] def session_start(self, remote_uri): """ Create a specific directory for logging a specific call. NOTE: This is not completely safe. It can be called from several processes. """ session_name = self.get_time_str() + '-' + remote_uri self.current_session_log_dir_name.value = os.path.join(self.output_dir, session_name) os.makedirs(self.current_session_log_dir_name.value)
[docs] def session_end(self): """ *WARNING: Deprecated* Disables logging into the session-specific directory. We better do not end a session because very often after the session_end() method is called there are still incoming messages. Therefore, it is better to wait for the session_start() method to set a new destination for the session log. """ #self.current_session_log_dir_name.value = '' return
# XXX: Returning the enclosing directory in case the session has been # closed may not be ideal. In some cases, it causes session logs to be # written to outside the related session directory, which is no good. @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def get_session_dir_name(self): """ Return directory where all the call related files should be stored. """ if self.current_session_log_dir_name.value: return self.current_session_log_dir_name.value # back off to the default logging directory return self.output_dir
[docs] def formatter(self, lvl, message): """ Format the message - pretty print """ s = self.get_time_str() s += u' %-10s : ' % multiprocessing.current_process().name s += u'%-10s ' % lvl s += u'\n' ss = u' ' + unicode(message) ss = re.sub(ur'\n', '\n ', ss) return s + ss + u'\n'
[docs] def log(self, lvl, message, session_system_log=False): """ Logs the message based on its level and the logging setting. Before writing into a logging file, it locks the file. """ msg = self.formatter(lvl, message) if self.stdout: # Log to stdout. if (SystemLogger.levels[lvl] >= SystemLogger.levels[self.stdout_log_level]): try: print msg except UnicodeEncodeError: print msg.encode('ascii', errors='replace') sys.stdout.flush() if self.output_dir: if (SystemLogger.levels[lvl] >= SystemLogger.levels[self.file_log_level]): # Log to the global log. log_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'system.log') with, "a+", encoding='utf8', buffering=0) as log_file: fcntl.lockf(log_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) log_file.write(msg) log_file.write('\n') fcntl.lockf(log_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) if self.current_session_log_dir_name.value: if (session_system_log or SystemLogger.levels[lvl] >= SystemLogger.levels[self.file_log_level]): # Log to the call-specific log. session_log_fname = os.path.join(self.current_session_log_dir_name.value, 'system.log') with, "a+", encoding='utf8', buffering=0) as session_log_file: fcntl.lockf(session_log_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) session_log_file.write(msg) session_log_file.write('\n') fcntl.lockf(session_log_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
@async @etime('syslog_info') @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def info(self, message): self.log('INFO', message)
@async @etime('syslog_debug') @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def debug(self, message): self.log('DEBUG', message)
@async @etime('syslog_warning') @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def warning(self, message): self.log('WARNING', message)
@async @etime('syslog_critical') @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def critical(self, message): self.log('CRITICAL', message)
[docs] def exception(self, message): # We need to obtain the traceback BEFORE we switch to the asynchronous thread, # otherwise the traceback will be empty. tb = traceback.format_exc() # Now log the whole exception, including the traceback. self._log_exception(unicode(message) + '\n' + unicode(tb, 'utf8'))
@async @etime('syslog_exception') @global_lock(lock) def _log_exception(self, message): """This should only be called by :py:func:`exception` for asynchronous logging.""" self.log('EXCEPTION', message) @async @etime('syslog_error') @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def error(self, message): self.log('ERROR', message)
@async @etime('syslog_session_system_log') @global_lock(lock)
[docs] def session_system_log(self, message): """This logs specifically only into the call-specific system log.""" self.log('SYSTEM-LOG', message, session_system_log=True)