Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import defaultdict

from import Ontology

[docs]class DiscreteValue(object): def __init__(self, values, name="", desc=""): self.values = values = name self.desc = desc def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('ascii', 'replace') def __unicode__(self): """Get the content of the dialogue state in a human readable form.""" pass
[docs] def prune(self, threshold=1e-3): """Prune all values with probability less then a threshold.""" pass
[docs] def normalise(self): """This function normalise the sum of all probabilities to 1.0""" pass
[docs] def mph(self): """The function returns the most probable value and its probability in a tuple. """ return None
[docs] def mpv(self): """The function returns the most probable value. """ return self.mph()[1]
[docs] def mpvp(self): """The function returns the probability of the most probable value. """ return self.mph()[0]
[docs] def tmphs(self): """This function returns two most probable values and their probabilities. The function returns a tuple consisting of two tuples (probability, value). """ return None
[docs] def tmpvs(self): """The function returns two most probable values. """ (prob1, val1), (prob2, val2) = self.tmphs() return (val1, val2)
[docs] def tmpvsp(self): """The function returns probabilities of two most probable values in the slot. """ (prob1, val1), (prob2, val2) = self.tmphs() return (prob1, prob2)
[docs] def explain(self, full=False, linear_prob=False): """This function prints the values and their probabilities for this node. """ pass
[docs]class DialogueState(object): """This is a trivial implementation of a dialogue state and its update. It uses only the best dialogue act from the input and based on this it updates its state. """ def __init__(self, cfg, ontology): self.cfg = cfg self.ontology = ontology def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('ascii', 'replace') def __unicode__(self): """Get the content of the dialogue state in a human readable form.""" pass
[docs] def log_state(self): """Log the state using the the session logger.""" pass
[docs] def restart(self): """ Reinitialises the dialogue state so that the dialogue manager can start from scratch. Nevertheless, remember the turn history. """ self.slots = defaultdict(lambda: "none")
[docs] def update(self, user_da, system_da): """Interface for the dialogue act update. It can process dialogue act, dialogue act N best lists, or dialogue act confusion networks. :param user_da: Dialogue act to process. :type user_da: :class:`~alex.components.slu.da.DialogueAct`, :class:`~alex.components.slu.da.DialogueActNBList` or :class:`~alex.components.slu.da.DialogueActConfusionNetwork` :param system_da: Last system dialogue act. """
[docs] def get_slots_being_requested(self): """ Returns all slots which are currently being requested by the user along with the correct value. """ pass
[docs] def get_slots_being_confirmed(self): """ Returns all slots which are currently being confirmed by the user along with the value being confirmed. """ pass
[docs] def get_slots_being_noninformed(self): """ Returns all slots provided by the user and the system has not informed about them yet along with the value of the slot. """ pass
[docs]class DialoguePolicy(object): """This is a base class policy. """ def __init__(self, cfg, ontology): self.cfg = cfg self.ontology = ontology
[docs] def get_da(self, dialogue_state): pass
[docs]class DialogueManager(object): """ This is a base class for a dialogue manager. The purpose of a dialogue manager is to accept input in the form dialogue acts and respond again in the form of dialogue acts. The dialogue manager should be able to accept multiple inputs without producing any output and be able to produce multiple outputs without any input. """ def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg self.ontology = Ontology(self.cfg['DM']['ontology']) self.dialogue_state_class = self.cfg['DM']['dialogue_state']['type'] self.dialogue_policy_class = self.cfg['DM']['dialogue_policy']['type'] self.last_system_dialogue_act = None self.new_dialogue()
[docs] def new_dialogue(self): """ Initialises the dialogue manager and makes it ready for a new dialogue conversation. """ self.dialogue_state = self.dialogue_state_class(self.cfg, self.ontology) self.policy = self.dialogue_policy_class(self.cfg, self.ontology) self.last_system_dialogue_act = None
[docs] def da_in(self, da, utterance=None): """ Receives an input dialogue act or dialogue act list with probabilities or dialogue act confusion network. When the dialogue act is received an update of the state is performed. """ self.dialogue_state.update(da, self.last_system_dialogue_act)
[docs] def da_out(self): """Produces output dialogue act.""" self.last_system_dialogue_act = self.policy.get_da(self.dialogue_state) return self.last_system_dialogue_act
[docs] def end_dialogue(self): """Ends the dialogue and post-process the data.""" pass
[docs] def log_state(self): """Log the state of the dialogue state. :return: none """ self.dialogue_state.log_state()