Source code for alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.block.t2a.cs.addappositionpunct

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# A Treex block
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.block import Block
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.exception import LoadingException
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.tool.lexicon.cs import Lexicon
import re

__author__ = "Ondřej Dušek"
__date__ = "2012"

[docs]class AddAppositionPunct(Block): """ Separating Czech appositions, such as in 'John, my best friend, ...' with commas. Arguments: language: the language of the target tree selector: the selector of the target tree """ def __init__(self, scenario, args): "Constructor, just checking the argument values" Block.__init__(self, scenario, args) if self.language is None: raise LoadingException('Language must be defined!') self.lexicon = Lexicon()
[docs] def process_tnode(self, tnode): "Adds punctuation a-nodes if the given node is an apposition node." tparent = tnode.parent # the apposition is correctly parsed on t-layer if tnode.functor == 'APPS': # just add second comma acomma = self.add_comma_node(tnode.lex_anode) acomma.shift_after_subtree(tnode.lex_anode) # the apposition is expressed as n:attr on the t-layer, where the # attribute is a named entity label # and follows its parent, which is also a noun. elif tnode.formeme == 'n:attr' and tnode.gram_sempos == 'n.denot' and \ tparent < tnode and tparent.formeme.startswith('n:') and \ (self.lexicon.is_personal_role(tnode.t_lemma) or self.lexicon.is_named_entity_label(tnode.t_lemma)): # create the apposition on the t-layer tgrandpa = tparent.parent tapp = tgrandpa.create_child(data={'functor': 'APPS', 't_lemma': ';', 'nodetype': 'coap'}) tapp.shift_before_subtree(tnode) tparent.parent = tapp tnode.parent = tapp # create the apposition on the a-layer # TODO hang under the apposition not only the lex_anode, # but also aux anodes (if they are above lex_anode). agrandpa = tgrandpa.lex_anode if tgrandpa.lex_anode \ else tnode.lex_anode.root aapp_left = self.add_comma_node(agrandpa) aapp_left.afun = 'Apos' aapp_left.shift_before_subtree(tnode.lex_anode) tnode.lex_anode.parent = aapp_left tnode.lex_anode.is_member = True tparent.lex_anode.parent = aapp_left tparent.lex_anode.is_member = True tapp.lex_anode = aapp_left # create right comma if not self.is_before_punct(tnode.lex_anode): aapp_right = self.add_comma_node(aapp_left) aapp_right.shift_after_subtree(tnode.lex_anode) tapp.add_aux_anodes(aapp_right)
[docs] def add_comma_node(self, aparent): "Add a comma a-node to the given parent" return aparent.create_child(data={'lemma': ',', 'form': ',', 'afun': 'AuxX'})
[docs] def is_before_punct(self, anode): """\ Test whether the subtree of the given node precedes a punctuation node. """ next_node = anode.get_descendants(add_self=True, ordered=True)[-1].get_next_node() return not next_node or re.match(r'[;.,?!„“‚‘"]', next_node.lemma)