Source code for alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.block.t2a.cs.addsentfinalpunct

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# A Treex block
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.block.t2a.cs.addclausalpunct import AddClausalPunct

__author__ = "Ondřej Dušek"
__date__ = "2012"

[docs]class AddSentFinalPunct(AddClausalPunct): """ Add final sentence punctuation ('?', '.'). Arguments: language: the language of the target tree selector: the selector of the target tree """ def __init__(self, scenario, args): "Constructor, just checking the argument values" super(AddSentFinalPunct, self).__init__(scenario, args)
[docs] def process_ttree(self, troot): "Add final punctuation to the given sentence." tnodes = troot.get_descendants(ordered=True) if not tnodes: return # check if there is no punctuation on the t-layer already last_tnode = tnodes[-1] if re.match(r'^[;:.]', last_tnode.t_lemma): return # check if a punctuation mark is needed at all # (i.e. it is a sentence -- has a verb) if not [tnode for tnode in tnodes if re.match(r'^v:.*fin$', tnode.formeme)]: return # decide which punctuation mark to use (question mark or dot; # don't use exclamation mark for imperatives) sent_root = troot.get_children()[0] punct_mark = sent_root.sentmod == 'inter' and '?' or '.' aroot = punct_anode = aroot.create_child(data={'form': punct_mark, 'lemma': punct_mark, 'morphcat': {'pos': 'Z'}, 'afun': 'AuxK', 'clause_number': 0}) # move the punctuation to the end, or before the quotation marks # if there's a clause in quotes if not tnode.lex_anode: return if self.is_clause_in_quotes(last_tnode.lex_anode): punct_anode.shift_before_node(last_tnode.lex_anode) else: punct_anode.shift_after_subtree(aroot)