Source code for alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.block.t2a.cs.movecliticstowackernagel

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.block import Block
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.exception import LoadingException
from alex.components.nlg.tectotpl.core.util import first

__author__ = "Ondřej Dušek"
__date__ = "2012"

[docs]class MoveCliticsToWackernagel(Block): """\ Move clitics (e.g. 'se', 'to' etc.) to the second (Wackernagel) position in the clause. """ def __init__(self, scenario, args): "Constructor, checking the argument values" Block.__init__(self, scenario, args) if self.language is None: raise LoadingException('Language must be defined!')
[docs] def process_atree(self, aroot): """\ Process the individual clauses -- find and move clitics within them. """ # Divide nodes into clauses clauses = {} for anode in aroot.get_descendants(ordered=True): if not anode.clause_number: continue clause = clauses.get(anode.clause_number, []) clauses[anode.clause_number] = clause clause.append(anode) # Process all clauses for clause in clauses.itervalues(): self.process_clause(clause)
[docs] def process_clause(self, clause): """\ Find and move clitics within one clause. """ # find if we have any clitics to process, sort them clitics = [anode for anode in clause if self.is_clitic(anode)] clitics.sort(key=self.clitic_order, reverse=True) if not clitics: return # handle cases where clitics should not be moved clause_root = clause[0].get_clause_root() if clause_root.form == 'je' and clause_root.lemma == 'být': clitics = [c for c in clitics if not self.handle_pronoun_je(c)] # filter out clitics belonging to nested infinitives etc. clitics = [c for c in clitics if self.verb_group_root(c) == clause_root] if not clitics: return # find the word directly preceding Wackernagel position have_coord = self.is_coord_taking_1st_pos(clause_root) first = self.find_eo1st_pos(clause_root, clause[0]) \ if not have_coord else None # shift clitics # if there is a coordination at the 1st position if have_coord: for clitic in clitics: clitic.shift_before_subtree(clause_root, without_children=True) # after the 1st word if it is the clause root elif first == clause_root: for clitic in clitics: clitic.shift_after_node(first, without_children=True) # after the subtree of the 1st word else: for clitic in clitics: clitic.shift_after_subtree(first, without_children=True)
[docs] def handle_pronoun_je(self, anode): """\ If the given node is a personal pronoun with the form 'je', move it before its parent's subtree and return True. Return false otherwise. """ if anode.form == 'je' and anode.morphcat_subpos == 'P': anode.shift_before_subtree(anode.parent) return True return False
[docs] def clitic_order(self, clitic): """\ Return the position of the given clitic in the natural Czech order of multiple clitics in the same clause. """ form = clitic.form.lower() if form in {'jsem', 'jsme', 'jsi', 'jste', 'by', 'bych', 'bys', 'bychom', 'byste'}: return 1 elif form in {'se', 'si'}: return 2 elif form in {'mi', 'ti', 'mu', 'jí', 'nám', 'vám', 'jim'}: return 3 elif form in {'mě', 'tě', 'ho', 'ji', 'nás', 'vás', 'je', 'to'}: return 4 elif form in {'tam', 'sem'}: return 6 else: # ses sis bychom mně tobě jemu return 5
[docs] def is_coord_taking_1st_pos(self, clause_root): """\ Return True if the clause root is a coordination member and the coordinating conjunction or shared subjunction is taking up the 1st position. E.g. 'Běžel, aby se zahřál a dostal se dřív domů.' """ coap = clause_root.parent # find out if we have a coordination with some members if not coap or not coap.is_coap_root: return False eparents = clause_root.get_eparents() if not eparents or eparents[0].afun != 'AuxC': return False coord_members = [c for c in coap.get_children(ordered=True) if c.is_member] if not coord_members: return False # only fire for the first and last coordination members, # exclude 'a' and 'ale' return clause_root == coord_members[0] or \ clause_root == coord_members[-1] and \ coap.lemma not in {'a', 'ale'}
[docs] def find_eo1st_pos(self, clause_root, clause_1st): """\ Find the last word before the Wackernagel position. """ # leftmost node is the root -- typical for subordinating # conjunctions (leave out the multi-word ones) if (clause_root == clause_1st and not [c for c in clause_root.get_children() if c.afun == 'AuxC']): return clause_root # otherwise return one of the clause root's children num = clause_root.clause_number return first(lambda node: not self.should_ignore(node, num), clause_root.get_children(ordered=True, add_self=True), clause_root)
[docs] def verb_group_root(self, clitic): """\ Find the root of the verbal group that the given clitic belongs to. If the verbal group is governed by a conjunction, return this conjunction. """ verb_root = clitic # climb up as long as we don't leave the clause and there are only # verbs along the path while True: parent = verb_root.parent if parent.is_root or \ parent.clause_number != verb_root.clause_number or \ (parent.morphcat_pos != 'V' and parent.lemma not in {'vědomý', 'jistý'}): break verb_root = parent # check for conjunctions if not verb_root.is_root and verb_root.parent.afun == 'AuxC': return verb_root.parent return verb_root
[docs] def is_clitic(self, anode): """\ Return True if the given node belongs to a clitic. """ subpos, case, afun, form = anode.morphcat_subpos, \ anode.morphcat_case, anode.afun, anode.form.lower() # 7 - reflexive pronouns, H - short forms of personal pronouns, # c - conditional particles if subpos in {'7', 'H', 'c'}: return True # direct object personal pronouns in dative or accusative if subpos == 'P' and case in {'3', '4'} and not anode.is_member and \ anode.parent.morphcat_pos == 'V': return True # forms of the auxiliary 'být' if afun == 'AuxV' and form in {'jste', 'jsme', 'jsem', 'jsi'}: return True # the pronoun 'to' as direct object or nominal predicate if form == 'to' and anode.parent.morphcat_pos == 'V' and \ (case == '4' or (case == '1' and anode.parent.lemma == 'být')): return True # 'tam', 'sem' return form in {'sem', 'tam'}
[docs] def should_ignore(self, anode, clause_number): """\ Return True if this word should be ignored in establishing the Wackernagel position. """ # clitics, subordinate clauses if self.is_clitic(anode) or anode.clause_number != clause_number: return True # punctuation if anode.morphcat_pos == 'Z': return True # 'a', 'ale' bound to preceding context if anode.lemma in {'a', 'ale'} and not anode.get_children(): return True # multi-word coordinating conjunctions if anode.afun == 'AuxC': anext = anode.get_next_node() if anext and anext.afun == 'AuxC': return True return False