Source code for alex.corpustools.cuedda

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections

import __init__

from alex.utils.text import split_by_comma

[docs]class CUEDSlot: def __init__(self, slot): self.slot = slot return def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('ascii', 'replace') def __unicode__(self): s = if self.value: s += self.equal + '"' + self.value + '"' return s
[docs] def parse(self): i = self.slot.find('!=') if i == -1: i = self.slot.find('=') if i == -1: = self.slot self.equal = '' self.value = '' return else: self.equal = '=' else: self.equal = '!=' = self.slot[:i] self.value = self.slot[i:] self.value = self.value.replace('!', '') self.value = self.value.replace('=', '') self.value = self.value.replace('"', '') if self.value == 'value': raise ValueError('FIXME: Ignore slots for which no values were ' 'found in the database.') return
[docs]class CUEDDialogueAct: def __init__(self, text, da, database=None, dictionary=None): self.text = text self.cuedDA = da self.db = database return def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('ascii', 'replace') def __unicode__(self): s = self.dialogue_act_type try: s += '\n' + '\n'.join(self.slots) except: pass return s
[docs] def get_slots_and_values(self): slots = collections.defaultdict(set) for slt in self.slots: slots[].add(slt.value) return slots
[docs] def get_cued_da(self): s = self.dialogue_act_type s += '(' try: s += ','.join([str(slt) for slt in self.slots]) except: pass s += ')' return s
[docs] def get_ufal_da(self): s = [] if self.dialogue_act_type == 'inform': for slt in self.slots: if slt.equal == '=': s.append('inform(' + str(slt) + ')') else: s.append('deny(' + + '="' + slt.value + '")') if self.dialogue_act_type == 'request': for slt in self.slots: if slt.value: if slt.equal == '=': s.append('inform(' + str(slt) + ')') else: s.append('deny(' + + '="' + slt.value + '")') else: s.append('request(' + + ')') if self.dialogue_act_type == 'confirm': for slt in self.slots: if == 'name': s.append('inform(' + str(slt) + ')') else: s.append('confirm(' + str(slt) + ')') if self.dialogue_act_type == 'select': ss = 'select(' ss += str(self.slots[0]) + ',' + str(self.slots[1]) ss += ')' s.append(ss) if self.dialogue_act_type in ['silence', 'thankyou', 'ack', 'bye', 'hangup', 'repeat', 'help', 'restart', 'null']: s.append(self.dialogue_act_type + '()') if self.dialogue_act_type in ['hello', 'affirm', 'negate', 'reqalts', 'reqmore']: s.append(self.dialogue_act_type + '()') for slt in self.slots: if slt.equal == '=': s.append('inform(' + str(slt) + ')') else: s.append('deny(' + + '="' + slt.value + '")') if self.dialogue_act_type == 'deny': i = 1 for slt in self.slots: if i == 1: s.append('deny(' + + '="' + slt.value + '")') else: if slt.equal == '=': s.append('inform(' + str(slt) + ')') else: s.append('deny(' + + '="' + slt.value + '")') i += 1 # normalise data if "thank you" in self.text and "thankyou()" not in s: s.append("thankyou()") if "thanks" in self.text and "thankyou()" not in s: s.append("thankyou()") if "thank" in self.text and "thankyou()" not in s: s.append("thankyou()") if "good bye" in self.text and "bye()" not in s: s.append("bye()") if "goodbye" in self.text and "bye()" not in s: s.append("bye()") if "no thank" in self.text and "negate()" not in s: s.append('negate()') if "no good" in self.text and "negate()" not in s: s.append('negate()') if "no i " in self.text and "negate()" not in s: s.append('negate()') if "no i'm " in self.text and "negate()" not in s: s.append('negate()') if "hello" in self.text and "hello()" not in s: s.append("hello()") if " hi " in self.text and "hello()" not in s: s.append("hello()") if "hi " in self.text and "hello()" not in s: s.append("hello()") if " looking " in self.text and 'inform(task="find")' not in s: s.append('inform(task="find")') if "not" == self.text: s = ['negate()', ] if "it does not matter" == self.text: s = ['inform(="dontcare")', ] if "type of food" == self.text: s = ['request(food)', ] if "addenbrooke's" == self.text: s = ['request(name="addenbrookes")', ] s = '&'.join(sorted(s)) if not s: print '# CUEDDialogueAct.get_ufal_da()' print '#' + '=' * 120 print '#', self.text print '#', self.cuedDA print '#', 'null()' print '#' + '.' * 120 if not s: s = 'null()' return s
[docs] def parse(self): cuedDA = self.cuedDA numOfDAs = len(split_by_comma(cuedDA)) if numOfDAs > 1: raise ValueError('Too many DAs in input text.') # get the dialogue act type i = cuedDA.index("(") dialogue_act_type = cuedDA[:i] slots = cuedDA[i:].lower() slots = slots.replace('(', '') slots = slots.replace(')', '') slts = [] if slots == '': # no slots to process slots = [] else: # split slots slots = split_by_comma(slots) for slt in slots: try: s = CUEDSlot(slt) s.parse() slts.append(s) except ValueError: # check for invalid slot items pass self.dialogue_act_type = dialogue_act_type self.slots = slts return