Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Belief propagation algorithms for factor graph."""

import abc
import itertools

[docs]class BPError(Exception): pass
[docs]class LBPError(BPError): pass
[docs]class BP(object): """Abstract class for Belief Propagation algorithm.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def run(self): """Run inference algorithm.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class LBP(BP): """Loopy Belief Propagation. LBP is an approximative inference algorithm for factor graphs. LBP works with generic factor graphs. It does accurate inference for trees and is equal to sum-product algorithm there. It is possible to specify which strategy should be used for choosing next node for update. Sequential strategy will update nodes in exact order in which they were added. Tree strategy will assume the graph is a tree (without checking) and will do one pass of sum-product algorithm. """ def __init__(self, strategy="sequential", **kwargs): """Initialize Loopy Belief Propagation algorithm.""" self.strategy = strategy if self.strategy not in ('sequential', 'tree', 'layers'): raise LBPError('Unknown strategy.') self.options = kwargs self.nodes = [] self.layers = []
[docs] def add_nodes(self, nodes): """Add nodes to graph.""" self.nodes.extend(nodes) # Create a tree structure for tree strategy. if self.strategy == 'tree': for node in self.nodes: node.wait_for_n = set( x for x in node.neighbors.values() if x in nodes) node.backward_send_to = []
[docs] def clear_nodes(self): self.nodes = []
[docs] def add_layer(self, layer): self.add_nodes(layer) if self.strategy == 'layers': self.layers.append(layer)
[docs] def add_layers(self, layers): """Add layers of nodes to graph.""" # Flatten layers and save all nodes. new_nodes = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(layers)) self.add_nodes(new_nodes) # Save information about layers. if self.strategy == 'layers': self.layers.extend(layers)
[docs] def clear_layers(self): self.layers = [] self.clear_nodes()
[docs] def run(self, n_iterations=1, from_layer=None): """Run the lbp algorithm.""" if self.strategy == 'sequential': self._run_sequential(n_iterations) elif self.strategy == 'tree': self._run_tree() elif self.strategy == 'layers': if from_layer == 'last': from_layer = len(self.layers) - 2 if len(self.layers) else None self._run_layers(from_layer) self._normalize_nodes()
[docs] def init_messages(self): for node in self.nodes: node.init_messages()
def _normalize_nodes(self): for node in self.nodes: node.normalize() def _run_sequential(self, n_iterations): for i in range(n_iterations): for node in self.nodes: node.send_messages() for node in reversed(self.nodes): node.send_messages() def _run_tree(self): ordering = [] not_updated_nodes = set(self.nodes) changed = True while changed: changed = False remove = [] for x in not_updated_nodes: if len(x.wait_for_n) == 1: changed = True remove.append(x) x.update() ordering.append(x) neighbor = x.wait_for_n.pop() x.message_to(neighbor) neighbor.wait_for_n.remove(x) neighbor.backward_send_to.append(x) for x in remove: not_updated_nodes.remove(x) for node in not_updated_nodes: node.send_messages() while len(ordering) > 0: next_node = ordering.pop() next_node.update() for x in next_node.backward_send_to: next_node.message_to(x) def _run_layers(self, idx_last_layer=None): if idx_last_layer is None: # Forward self._send_messages_through_layers(self.layers) # Backward self._send_messages_through_layers(reversed(self.layers)) else: # Forward forward_layers = self.layers[idx_last_layer+1:] last_layer = self.layers[idx_last_layer] self._send_messages_through_layers(forward_layers, last_layer) # Backward backward_layers = reversed(self.layers[idx_last_layer:]) self._send_messages_through_layers(backward_layers) def _send_messages_through_layers(self, layers, last_layer=None): for layer in layers: # Send messages from last layer to this layer. if last_layer is not None: self._send_messages_to_layer(last_layer, layer) # Send messages between nodes in this layer. self._send_messages_to_layer(layer, layer) last_layer = layer def _send_messages_to_layer(self, from_layer, to_layer): for node in from_layer: node.update() for name, neighbor in node.neighbors.iteritems(): if neighbor in to_layer: node.message_to(neighbor)