Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is PEP8-compliant. See

"""This module collects classes representing the uncertainty about the actual
value of a base type instance.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import operator

from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from import NBListException
# from operator import mul

_HypWithEv = namedtuple('HypothesisWithEvidence', ['prob', 'fact', 'evidence'])

[docs]class Hypothesis(object): """This is the base class for all forms of probabilistic hypotheses representations. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_fact(cls, fact): """\ Constructs a deterministic hypothesis that asserts the given `fact'. """ raise NotImplementedError("abstract method") # TODO Make into a class template.
[docs]class NBList(Hypothesis): """This class represents the uncertainty using an n-best list. When updating an N-best list, one should do the following. 1. add utterances or parse a confusion network 2. merge and normalise, in either order """ # NOTE the class invariant: self.n_best is always sorted from the most to # the least probable hypothesis. def __init__(self): self.n_best = [] self.tolerance_over1 = 1e-2 def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('ascii', 'replace') def __unicode__(self): return u'\n'.join('{p:.3f} {fact}'.format(p=prob, fact=unicode(fact)) for prob, fact in self.n_best) def __len__(self): return len(self.n_best) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.n_best[i] def __iter__(self): for hyp in self.n_best: yield hyp def __cmp__(self, other): return (self.n_best >= other.n_best) - (other.n_best >= self.n_best) @classmethod
[docs] def from_fact(cls, fact): # Create a new object of our class. inst = cls() # Add the fact as the only hypothesis on the list. inst.add(1.0, fact) return inst
[docs] def get_best(self): """Returns the most probable value of the object.""" return self.n_best[0][1]
[docs] def add(self, probability, fact): """\ Finds the last hypothesis with a lower probability and inserts the new item before that one. Optimised for adding objects from the highest probability ones to the lowest probability ones. """ insert_idx = len(self.n_best) while insert_idx > 0: insert_idx -= 1 if probability <= self.n_best[insert_idx][0]: insert_idx += 1 break self.n_best.insert(insert_idx, [probability, fact]) return self
[docs] def merge(self): """Adds up probabilities for the same hypotheses. Returns self.""" if len(self.n_best) <= 1: return else: new_n_best = self.n_best[:1] for cur_idx in xrange(1, len(self.n_best)): cur_hyp = self.n_best[cur_idx] for new_idx, new_hyp in enumerate(new_n_best): if new_hyp[1] == cur_hyp[1]: # Merge, add the probabilities. new_hyp[0] += cur_hyp[0] break else: new_n_best.append(cur_hyp) self.n_best = sorted(new_n_best, reverse=True) return self
[docs] def normalise(self): """Scales the list to sum to one.""" tot = float(sum(p for p, fact in self.n_best)) for hyp_idx in xrange(len(self.n_best)): self.n_best[hyp_idx][0] /= tot return self
[docs] def add_other(self, other): """ The N-best list is extended to include the ``other`` object to represent those object values that are not enumerated in the list. Returns self. """ tot = 0.0 other_idx = -1 for hyp_idx in range(len(self.n_best)): tot += self.n_best[hyp_idx][0] if self.n_best[hyp_idx][1] == other: if other_idx != -1: raise NBListException( 'N-best list includes multiple "other" objects: ' '{nb!s}'.format(nb=self.n_best)) other_idx = hyp_idx # If `other' is absent, if other_idx == -1: if tot > 1.0: # Be tolerant. if tot <= 1. + self.tolerance_over1: for hyp_idx in range(len(self.n_best)): self.n_best[hyp_idx][0] /= tot return self else: raise NBListException( 'Sum of probabilities in n-best list > 1.0: ' '{s:8.6f}'.format(s=tot)) # Append the `other' object. prob_other = 1.0 - tot self.n_best.append([prob_other, other]) # If `other' was present, else: # Just normalise the probs. for hyp_idx in range(len(self.n_best)): self.n_best[hyp_idx][0] /= tot return self
[docs]class ConfusionNetworkException(Exception): pass # UNDER CONSTRUCTION
[docs]class ConfusionNetwork(Hypothesis): """\ Confusion network. In this representation, each fact breaks down into a sequence of elementary acts. """ _merge_func = {'new': lambda p1, p2: p2, 'max': max, 'add': operator.add, 'arit': lambda p1, p2: 0.5 * (p1 + p2), 'harm': lambda p1, p2: (0. if p1 * p2 == 0 else .5 * (p1+ p2) / (p1 * p2))} def __init__(self): = OrderedDict() def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('ascii', 'replace') def __unicode__(self): return '\n'.join('{p:.30} {f}'.format(p=prob, f=fact) for (prob, fact) in def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, i): return[i] def __contains__(self, fact): return fact in def __iter__(self): for fact in yield ([fact], fact) def __reversed__(self): for dai_hyp in reversed( yield dai_hyp
[docs] def add(self, probability, fact): """Append a fact to the confusion network.""" if fact in raise ConfusionNetworkException("Cannot add facts already in the network.")[fact] = probability
[docs] def add_merge(self, p, fact, combine='max'): """Add a fact and if it exists merge it according to the given combine strategy.""" merge_func = self._merge_func[combine] if fact in self: new_p = merge_func(p, self.get_prob(fact)) self.update_prob(new_p, fact) else: self.add(p, fact)
[docs] def update_prob(self, probability, fact): """Update the probability of a fact."""[fact] = probability
[docs] def get_prob(self, fact): """Get the probability of the fact.""" return[fact]
[docs] def remove(self, fact_to_remove): if fact_to_remove in del[fact_to_remove] else: raise Exception('Fact has not been found.')
[docs] def extend(self, conf_net): if not isinstance(conf_net, ConfusionNetwork): raise ConfusionNetworkException("Only ConfusionNetwork instances can be added.") for p, fact in conf_net: self.add(p, fact) return self
[docs] def sort(self, reverse=True): new_cn = OrderedDict() for fact, p in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=reverse): new_cn[fact] = p = new_cn return self
[docs] def merge(self, conf_net, combine='max'): """Merges facts in the current and the given confusion networks. Arguments: combine -- can be one of {'new', 'max', 'add', 'arit', 'harm'}, and determines how two probabilities should be merged (default: 'max') XXX As of now, we know that different values for the same slot are contradictory (and in general, the set of contradicting attr-value pairs could be larger). We should therefore consider them alternatives to each other. """ for p, fact in conf_net: self.add_merge(p, fact, combine=combine) return self
[docs] def prune(self, prune_prob=0.005): """Prune all low probability dialogue act items.""" for prob, dai in self: if prob < prune_prob: self.remove(dai)
[docs] def normalise(self): """Makes sure that all probabilities add up to one. They should implicitly sum to one: p + (1-p) == 1.0 """ for p, dai in self: if p >= 1.0: raise ConfusionNetworkException(("The probability of the {dai!s} dialogue act item is " + "larger than 1.0, namely {p:0.3f}").format(dai=dai, p=p))
[docs] def from_fact(cls, fact): """\ Constructs a deterministic confusion network that asserts the given `fact'. Note that `fact' has to be an iterable of elementary acts. """ inst = cls() for efact in fact: inst.add(1.0, efact) return inst