Source code for alex.utils.cuda

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]def cudasolve(A, b, tol=1e-3, normal=False, regA = 1.0, regI = 0.0): """ Conjugate gradient solver for dense system of linear equations. Ax = b Returns: x = A^(-1)b If the system is normal, then it solves (regA*A'A +regI*I)x= b Returns: x = (A'A +reg*I)^(-1)b """ N = len(b) b = b.reshape((N,1)) b_norm = culinalg.norm(b) x = b.copy() if not normal: r = b -,x) else: r = b - regA*,,x), transa='T') - regI*x p = r.copy() rsold =,r, transa='T')[0][0].get() for i in range(N): if not normal: Ap =,p) else: Ap = regA*,,p), transa='T') + regI*p pAp =, Ap, transa='T')[0][0].get() alpha = rsold / pAp x += alpha*p r -= alpha*Ap rsnew =,r, transa='T')[0][0].get() if math.sqrt(rsnew)/b_norm < tol: break else: p = r + (rsnew/rsold)*p rsold = rsnew return x.reshape(N)